Looking to the list for suggestions on becoming at least a
semi-competent admin.  Long-time members may remember my trial-by-fire
15+ years ago when the boss ordered a T1 and the carrier's tech
"helpfully" pointed the dmz interface at the (already outdated) NT4 file
server.  My current situation is nothing like that, but thanks to all
the recent trolls, I discovered that following the IEEE's transition
from their email service being little more than a .forward alias into a
full-fledged GMail suite, that Google wasn't forwarding emails it deemed
spammy and caused the partial loss of nearly seven months' worth of
mail.  Since I don't trust Google or pretty much any "free" provider at
this point, that means doing it myself.  Some steps (registering a
domain, ordering business-class service or a static IP, etc) are
self-evident.  But after that, there's a lot I really need to learn
beyond what's in the man pages, and my copy of 'Absolute OpenBSD' is
quite dated at this point.  I've also got that misbehaving ARC-1200B
card, so if dlg@ or another team member in the US/Canada has interest in
figuring out what's going sideways, I'll pay for shipping both ways.

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