> What exactly does your budget mean? These are all free, open source
> operating system. You may sell both OpenBSD and any installations and
> consulting. That could improve your income for your budget.

I am in the process of trying to find a devops remote work, may be it will 
improve my budget, 
actually I am not familiar with current global market and my position in it and 
not sure 
if I have enough time to get a secure working place 
before I will have to look for cheaper and less qualified job alternatives 
not so sensitive to my working place security. 

> Open source means that most developers work for free and fun or to
> obtain something they in particular want. Convince some developers to
> work on your own desires, whether with OpenBSD or elsewhere.

I am just trying to get a help at least with a simple question  if 
Orange PI ONE (Cortex A7 free of Spectre issue) + Nitrokey Pro 2 + OpenBSD
 is enough for a secure SSH server and client end points, 
still nobody told anything related to it.
Or may be anyone knows are there any better alternatives? 

>> I guess it is a huge work to harden Linux installation to a level compared 
>> to OpenBSD, there is some interesting work which is by Whonix but 
>> unfortunately with systemd, and it seems someone from that community is 
>> referring to isopenbsdsecu.re site, so it looks to me like a OpenBSD vs 
>> Whonix dispute, excuse me if I am wrong.
> Linus actively discourages security work. OpenBSD is thrilled to
> actively work on security. A major compenent that brings security
> benefits is simple auditing of code, not for security but for
> correctness.
> If you are seeking perfect security, YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!
> It is impossible. Not even agencies such as the NSA, etc have it.
> Remember Edward Snowden? All systems can be breached. Period.

Then how can I provide a good level of security for my remote client if 
everything can be broken?
How much does it cost to break remotely into a SSH server running  OpenBSD on 
Orange PI ONE 
with SSH private keys stored in Nitrokey Pro 2?
If I connect to it from my home from a similar dedicated console (say 
Cubietruck + Nitrokey Pro 2 + OpenBSD)  
without any other spare software on that board? It will be dedicated only for 
devops activity.
On both side of the channel would be a firewall which allows connection only 
for specified IP addresses (me and the client).

Local physical perimeter is secured at least against external threats, I cannot 
protect from a teleportation :) 
But presumably it is not possible to reflash Orangle PI Boot ROM or Nitrokey 
Pro 2 anyway 
and I can periodically verify integrity of OpenBSD installation on the SD card.
Any other applications except SSH and ansible like browsers would be running 
from another computers or cloud VM.

> My suggestion is to stop taking a confrontational attitude ( you may not
> even realize you are doing it) and try to take a congenial attitude. It
> will always produce more good results than confrontation.

Good point, I am just trying to, OpenBSD chat and community is very nice, it is 
very interesting to talk to such high qualified persons,

Thank you

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