On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 12:57:24PM +0000, man Chan wrote:
I just want to know why OpenBSD/i386 have the memory limit to 4G. Thanks for 
your reply.  It is the design of OpenBSD/i386 is 32 bits OS not the hardware 
limitation.  It is ok for me to run OpenBSD/amd64 on a i5 machine. Thanks

The 4GB limit is not specific to OpenBSD/i386.  It's a hardware
limitation specific to the x86 platform (also known as i386).  Use the
OpenBSD/amd64 installer on your Intel i5 hardware, it will run better,
without being limited to 4GB of RAM, among others.

Trivia fact: all recent Intel processors use the amd64 architecture,
licensed from AMD.  Unfortunately, Intel's marketing conceals this as
much as possible, thus the confusion from the less tech-inclined people.

But you could have easily found all this online, especially after been
pointed repeatedly on this list.  So please consider not wasting other
people's time with such basic questions.  OpenBSD developers are few
and far between, and two of the most senior ones have already spent
time explaining you these basics.  Otherwise you risk being ignored even
when raising issues actually related to OpenBSD.

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