Sorry I forgot including "ifconfig" output:

lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 32768
index 5 priority 0 llprio 3
groups: lo
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5
inet netmask 0xff000000

lladdr a8:28:dc:cc:2e:6f
index 1 priority 0 llprio 3
groups: egress
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT full-duplex,master)
status: active
inet 73.xx.xx.xx netmask 0xfffffe00 broadcast 73.xx.xx.255

mtu 1500
lladdr 78:8a:20:46:a8:c1
index 2 priority 0 llprio 3
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT full-duplex)
status: active

mtu 1500
lladdr 78:8a:20:46:a8:c2
index 3 priority 0 llprio 3
media: Ethernet autoselect (none)
status: no carrier
enc0: flags=0<>
index 4 priority 0 llprio 3
groups: enc
status: active

bridge0: flags=41<UP,RUNNING>
index 6 llprio 3
groups: bridge
priority 32768 hellotime 2 fwddelay 15 maxage 20 holdcnt 6 proto rstp
port 3 ifpriority 0 ifcost 0
port 2 ifpriority 0 ifcost 0
port 7 ifpriority 0 ifcost 0

lladdr fe:e1:ba:d0:c8:a9
index 7 priority 0 llprio 3
groups: vether
media: Ethernet autoselect
status: active
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

pflog0: flags=141<UP,RUNNING,PROMISC> mtu 33136
index 8 priority 0 llprio 3
groups: pflog

On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 2:22 PM Amarendra Godbole
<> wrote:
> Hi misc@
> I recently introduced an OpenBSD firewall inline and noticed a
> reduction in overall download speeds. I am trying to understand why
> this may be so. The firewall is Ubiquiti ERL running 6.7 release.
> Internet connection is Comcast xfinity via cable modem, plan 200
> Mbits/s down and 10 Mbits/s up. Details follow:
> 1. config #1: MacBook - Linksys WRT1200AC  - xfinity cable modem
> (speed: ~210 Mbits/s down, 6 Mbits/s up)
> 2. config #2: MacBook - Linksys WRT1200AC - Ubiquiti ERL - xfinity
> cable modem (speed: ~90 MBits down, 6 Mbits/s up)
> 3. config #3 (Line speed): MacBook wired to cable modem (~230 Mbits/s
> down, ~8 Mbits/s up).
> Linksys is running latest OpenWrt, and speed tests were run on MacBook
> connected wired to Linksys. It was difficult to try tcpbench since the
> setup was cumbersome, and iperf3 public servers end up being busy more
> often than not (and threads on misc@ indicated iperf3 wasn't as
> reliable either). Test numbers come from and
> While I realize this speed test is hardly
> accurate, I have tried to maintain the same configuration (no ERL and
> inline ERL) to obtain relative numbers.
> I am trying to understand the reduction from 210 Mbits/s down to 90
> Mbits/s down between config #1 and config #2 above. The slowdown is
> not noticeable to family, so this is more of my intellectual curiosity
> than screams over a buffering video! :-)
> Relevant system information (dmesg, etc.) below. All sysctl values
> attached as sysctl.txt I gathered it by reading similar threads on
> misc@. If I missed anything, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
> -Amarendra
> dmesg:
> Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
> The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
> Copyright (c) 1995-2020 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.
> OpenBSD 6.7 (GENERIC.MP) #134: Thu May  7 16:05:06 MDT 2020
> real mem = 536870912 (512MB)
> avail mem = 506740736 (483MB)
> mainbus0 at root: board 20002 rev 2.18
> cpu0 at mainbus0: CN50xx CPU rev 0.1 500 MHz, Software FP emulation
> cpu0: cache L1-I 32KB 4 way D 16KB 64 way, L2 128KB 8 way
> cpu1 at mainbus0: CN50xx CPU rev 0.1 500 MHz, Software FP emulation
> cpu1: cache L1-I 32KB 4 way D 16KB 64 way, L2 128KB 8 way
> clock0 at mainbus0: int 5
> octcrypto0 at mainbus0
> iobus0 at mainbus0
> simplebus0 at iobus0: "soc"
> octciu0 at simplebus0
> octsmi0 at simplebus0
> octpip0 at simplebus0
> octgmx0 at octpip0 interface 0
> cnmac0 at octgmx0: RGMII, address 78:8a:20:46:a8:c0
> atphy0 at cnmac0 phy 7: AR8035 10/100/1000 PHY, rev. 2
> cnmac1 at octgmx0: RGMII, address 78:8a:20:46:a8:c1
> atphy1 at cnmac1 phy 6: AR8035 10/100/1000 PHY, rev. 2
> cnmac2 at octgmx0: RGMII, address 78:8a:20:46:a8:c2
> atphy2 at cnmac2 phy 5: AR8035 10/100/1000 PHY, rev. 2
> com0 at simplebus0: ns16550a, 64 byte fifo
> com0: console
> dwctwo0 at iobus0 base 0x1180068000000 irq 56
> usb0 at dwctwo0: USB revision 2.0
> uhub0 at usb0 configuration 1 interface 0 "Octeon DWC2 root hub" rev
> 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> octrng0 at iobus0 base 0x1400000000000 irq 0
> /dev/ksyms: Symbol table not valid.
> umass0 at uhub0 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Lexar USB Flash
> Drive" rev 2.10/11.00 addr 2
> umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
> scsibus0 at umass0: 2 targets, initiator 0
> sd0 at scsibus0 targ 1 lun 0: <Lexar, USB Flash Drive, 1100> removable
> serial.21c40cd1719080003000
> sd0: 30526MB, 512 bytes/sector, 62517248 sectors
> vscsi0 at root
> scsibus1 at vscsi0: 256 targets
> softraid0 at root
> scsibus2 at softraid0: 256 targets
> boot device: sd0
> root on sd0a (2124441bc835a462.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b
> WARNING: No TOD clock, believing file system.
> pftcl -s:
> match in all scrub (no-df random-id max-mss 1440)
> block drop in quick on ! cnmac0 inet from xx.xx.xx.xx/23 to any
> block drop in quick inet from xx.xx.xx.xx to any
> block drop all
> pass out quick on egress inet from (vether0:network) to any flags S/SA
> nat-to (egress) round-robin
> pass out quick inet all flags S/SA
> pass in on vether0 inet all flags S/SA
> pass in on cnmac1 inet all flags S/SA
> pass in on cnmac2 inet all flags S/SA
> pfctl -si:
> Status: Enabled for 3 days 18:14:11              Debug: err
> Interface Stats for egress            IPv4             IPv6
>   Bytes In                     64537867779                0
>   Bytes Out                     7005140381                0
>   Packets In
>     Passed                        56024370                0
>     Blocked                          43050                0
>   Packets Out
>     Passed                        22271061                0
>     Blocked                              0                0
> State Table                          Total             Rate
>   current entries                      847
>   half-open tcp                         23
>   searches                       158989755          489.4/s
>   inserts                          1095307            3.4/s
>   removals                         1094460            3.4/s
> Counters
>   match                            1343178            4.1/s
>   bad-offset                             0            0.0/s
>   fragment                               0            0.0/s
>   short                                  1            0.0/s
>   normalize                              0            0.0/s
>   memory                                 0            0.0/s
>   bad-timestamp                          0            0.0/s
>   congestion                            41            0.0/s
>   ip-option                          26164            0.1/s
>   proto-cksum                            0            0.0/s
>   state-mismatch                     10758            0.0/s
>   state-insert                           0            0.0/s
>   state-limit                            0            0.0/s
>   src-limit                              0            0.0/s
>   synproxy                               0            0.0/s
>   translate                              0            0.0/s
>   no-route                               0            0.0/s
> pfctl -s memory:
> states        hard limit   100000
> src-nodes     hard limit    10000
> frags         hard limit    16384
> tables        hard limit     1000
> table-entries hard limit   200000
> pktdelay-pkts hard limit    10000
> The netlivlocks value keeps on increasing regularly:
> kern.netlivelocks=57911
> netstat -m:
> 1009 mbufs in use:
> 917 mbufs allocated to data
> 5 mbufs allocated to packet headers
> 87 mbufs allocated to socket names and addresses
> 801/7256 mbuf 2048 byte clusters in use (current/peak)
> 0/15 mbuf 2112 byte clusters in use (current/peak)
> 0/24 mbuf 4096 byte clusters in use (current/peak)
> 0/8 mbuf 8192 byte clusters in use (current/peak)
> 0/0 mbuf 9216 byte clusters in use (current/peak)
> 0/0 mbuf 12288 byte clusters in use (current/peak)
> 0/0 mbuf 16384 byte clusters in use (current/peak)
> 0/8 mbuf 65536 byte clusters in use (current/peak)
> 6512/17088/131072 Kbytes allocated to network (current/peak/max)
> 0 requests for memory denied
> 0 requests for memory delayed
> 0 calls to protocol drain routines
> netstat -i:
> Name    Mtu   Network     Address              Ipkts Ifail    Opkts Ofail 
> Colls
> lo0     32768 <Link>                             198     0      198     0     > 0
> lo0     32768 localhost/1 localhost              198     0      198     0     > 0
> lo0     32768 fe80::%lo0/ fe80::1%lo0            198     0      198     0     > 0
> lo0     32768 127/8       localhost              198     0      198     0     > 0
> cnmac0  1600  <Link>      a8:28:dc:cc:2e:6f 56088774     0 22283491  2688     > 0
> cnmac0  1600  73.231.60/2 c-73-231-60-128.h 56088774     0 22283491  2688     > 0
> cnmac1  1600  <Link>      78:8a:20:46:a8:c1 23646497     4 56569853    48     > 0
> cnmac2  1600  <Link>      78:8a:20:46:a8:c2    14823     0   226198 226198    
>  0
> enc0*   0     <Link>                               0     0        0     0     > 0
> bridge0 1500  <Link>                        23187238     0 57022219     0     > 0
> vether0 32768 <Link>      fe:e1:ba:d0:c8:a9 23056709     0 56795991     0     > 0
> vether0 32768 192.168.10/      23056709     0 56795991     0     > 0
> pflog0  33136 <Link>                               0     0    26171     0     > 0

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