On Sun, 13 Feb 2022 21:46:30 -0700
Thomas Frohwein <tfrohw...@fastmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 3 Feb 2022 19:16:55 -0500
> Andre Smagin <a...@smagin.com> wrote:
> > ...
> > Ryzen 9 5950x on x570 chipset motherboard, should last ten years at
> > least. Everything "just works" - NVMe hard drives, SPDIF audio, video,
> > etc.
> Does the audio work? No audio hangs/wedging anymore on more than just
> a few minutes of usage? I have a machine like this, too, but audio would
> hang with MSI on like previous Ryzen generations. Unlike previous Ryzen
> generations, patching to switch to legacy interrupts didn't work. That
> was about 1.5 years ago; it currently serves as a Windows box ...
> It would be good to know if that issue went away... I wouldn't mind
> putting a better OS on my machine again *cough*.


I play music all day long on the desktop on weekends, going out via
SPDIF (optic fiber) to a receiver. I have not tried direct speakers or
headphones. The only change to configuration I made was setting
outputs.mode=digital in /etc/mixerctl.conf

I play audio with mpd (local network files and internet streams),
and sometimes audacious and vlc for local files, and web audio with
chrome. Had couple strange lock-ups when streaming web-radio with mpd.
In fact, one happened just now - internet radio stream via mpd/Ario
started stattering and stopped as I was typing this email - restarting
sndiod and mpd did not help, had to reboot.

So, overall, little bit less reliable than my old pre-Ryzen desktop,
but not too bad - does not happen very often, may be once a week.
Not sure how to troubleshoot it.


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