On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:37:17 +0200, "Marius Van Deventer - Umzimkulu"

>Maybe the team should consider this for the OpenBSD 4.0 artwork.
>Maybe with a tagline like "The Admin who could not read" or "Annie get
>your Glasses".
>OR, (in light of so many users who expect list members to hold their
>hands) it could say something about the value of man pages.
>I'm sure any new user who sees that on his new CD jewel case will think
>twice before posting silly questions.

Maybe I'm just a bit too jaded but... 

These days, you see computer security mentioned on the nightly news, yet
there's never any mention of correctness or quality. The result has been
obvious; people have flocked to OpenBSD in hopes of attaining this
supposed "security" thing but they never realized there is a lot of work
and learning required.

The often used OpenBSD phrase "Secure By Default" actually encourages
the lazy attitudes and lack of learning. Worse yet, "Secure By Default"
is fairly misleading since systems are always secured by knowledge,
effort and dedication.

Though he dumbed down the details a lot, before Theo's post on this
thread, how many people had any clue how dangerous X and/or video
drivers (particularly closed source blob drivers) really are? More
importantly, how many people would extend the effort to try solving the

If a slogan was used that is less buzzword compliant, less inviting and
less misleading, the situation might improve or at least potential users
would be forewarned about the study and effort required.

Personally, I lean towards "Difficult By Default" but probably because
it also applies to my personality. ;-)

kind regards,

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