On 2023-01-05, Nathan Carruth <n.carr...@alum.utoronto.ca> wrote:
> Thank you for your response.
> To clarify: I am not asking about backups proper
> (though I appreciate the suggestions). My only
> question is how to make a copy of the crypto metadata.

dd the start of the partition, it's stored 16 blocks (8k) into the partition
and for the current version of softraid it's 64 blocks (32k) long.

But it's useless without the data so unless you are doing unsupported things
like poking at the softraid partition size, etc, and want to make a backup
before doing that then I don't see how it helps you. (And if you *are* doing
that then I'd hope you don't have to ask how to back it up first).

And unless you detach the softraid device first (or don't attach in the first
place) it will be marked dirty.

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