
I am trying get a new ISP setup working.  The Router is
causing some pain.  There is a /28 public block assigned.
The DSL router can't be configured in transparent bridge
mode (they say).  It holds on to one of the /28 addresses.

The setup looks something like this:
(and hopefully the ascii "art" remains intact from gmail)

   ( internet )
        | [WAN IP]
 / DSL ROUTER / <-- Transparent bridge mode NOT possible
      | [ one of /28 Public IPs = $dslgw_ip ]
      | $ext
|            |
| OpenBSD/pf o--- ( rest of /28 Public IP network )
|            | $dmz      (DMZ: httpd, smtpd, ...)
 $lan | [10.x.x.1]
( 10.x.x.x network )

As far as networking goes, I need to be spoken to as if I'm
a fledgling.

I want to do the obvious: use OpenBSD/pf(4) to:
 - Filter traffic from $ext to $dmz
 - Filter traffic from $dmz outbound
 - Filter traffic from $lan (10.x.x.x) to $dmz
 - NAT traffic from $lan (10.x.x.x) outbound to internet

I'm bridge(4)-ing $ext and $dmz.  Which means I must give
one of the /28 public IP addresses to either $ext or $dmz
to be able to do:

# route add default $dslgw_ip


Am I missing something?
Is there a better way to configure things?


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