Thanks for Replay

I think "I have any miss understanding for sndiod with -L- flag" correct ?
and, pulseaudio "native-protocol-tcp or RTP" doesn't work on The OpenBSD ?

[OpenBSD remote:]
## x11vnc with fvwm runnning on Xvfb by xenodm
## and could browsing the internet by firefox-esr
## if transmit sound to [*BSD or Linux LOCAL:]
## just do it...these command.
AUDIODEVICE=snd@ firefox-esr

[*BSD or Linux LOCAL:]
## waiting the sound data by the sndiod
## just do it...these command.
sndiod -L-

these are correct?

I know "windows doesn't have sndiod ports and doesn't work sndiod.".
Already I tried pulseaudio running on FreeBSD and Linux (include in Android, 
Raspberty PI) with Windows.It could get a sound by pulseaudio...

pulseaudio is transmit the sound data. between the *BSD and Linux or Windows...
I think "OpenBSD could too."...
and /etc/pulse/ have a any modules by install the packages on 

Almost always I use the OpenBSD...
a few time use the Linux or Windows for somebody's tasks(include in "connect 
the my machine by VNC")...
And "Any time need a sound."...

I want to any ideas...

best regards.

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