I am not going to do any of this work you want.

Good bye.

Xavier <somenxav...@posteo.net> wrote:

> "Theo de Raadt" said:
> > I'd be thrilled to do less work on errata!
> > How about we do RSS, and stop making errata?
> > We can do static RSS.
> > Configure and forget.
> I don't know if you say it seriously. If you do, I think it's the
> best. Perhaps you could write some semantic file and convert them to
> desired format (html, RSS, etc.).
> I saw the www repo
> (https://github.com/openbsd/www/blob/38884496ed89e3041dcaaeadaf21e20a918581ee/errata73.html)
> and it seems you make things manually. Don't you think an static site
> generator or some kind of tool to make things more automatic (I'm
> thinking in mandoc conversion because all the web is really a big
> documentation project)?
> Regards,
> Xavier

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