Hello Stuart, thanks for this one..

Yes, I agree that the final solution could be only the replace my listed 
But do you remember I was using also the unmutable flag
on resolv.conf.... ? :D

I do not want to awake the lions and indeed I'm much happy about
my *unbound system* but having a free to use failover network setting
for the specific case of the unattended installation sounds enough
attractive, isn it?

Jul 25, 2023 11:00:27 Stuart Henderson <stu.li...@spacehopper.org>:

> On 2023-07-25, Daniele B. <my2...@has.im> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Just coming from my fresh upgrade to OpenBSD 7.3 and thanks again for
>> it.. ;)
>> No particular problem except my realization that with my settings
>> (unbound started manually) fw_update goes to fail (all the three
>> attempts) on each (unattended) upgrade. If fw_update happens to be a
>> constraint for a successful upgrade, and luckily was not the case this
>> time, bad times for sure..
>> Any suggestion about it? Thanks!
> List a nameserver other than just your local machine in resolv.conf.

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