Daniele B. said on Tue, 25 Jul 2023 16:33:50 +0200 (GMT+02:00)

>My unattended upgrade happend like that:
>- I took up unbound
>- sysupgrade
>- 1st fw_update (this probbly is okay)
>- reboot
>- installation of the sets
>- 2nd fw_update (this fails because unattended, local Unbound is down)
>- reboot
>- 3rd fw_update (this fails because unattended, local Unbound is down)
>- syspatch (this fails as well)
>I finally took up my dev environment and run fw_update & syspatch.
>If the first fw_update is enough to be sure about a sucessfull
>installation then case solved, just keeping the good stuff from the

Hi Daniele,

OK, I'm hearing that you want ongoing control of which daemons are up
and which are down, and that precludes just putting them in your
/etc/rc.conf and/or /etc/rc.conf.local.

There are two alternative process supervisors, runit and s6, that can
give you much finer control over your daemons. Both have been designed
from the ground up to be portable between Linux and every BSD
distribution. You can use either runit or s6 to augment your rc.conf.
You needn't *replace* rc.conf or rc.conf.local, you can *augment* them.

I use runit (on Void Linux) every day, and love it to death. Runit is
extremely simple. S6 is a little more capable and a little more complex.

You can get lots of extremely authoritative information about runit and
s6 on the Supervision mailing list. To subscribe, send an
empty message to supervision-subscr...@list.skarnet.org.



Steve Litt 
Autumn 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

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