On Sat 12 Aug 2023, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> To me, it looks just "different" rather than particularly better
> (except on mobile browsers, where I find the redesigned one a bit worse
> by having the links hidden away down the bottom. Scrolling to read the
> text on mobile browsers with the existing version is a bit of a
> nuisance, but so is scrolling to access the links in this rework).
> And "different" is a bit of a problem, there are at least 7 associated
> websites which intentionally have the same basic design, which now
> no longer match up.
> (I found v1 a lot worse than the existing one, mostly due to overriding
> browser default font/colour choices and disabling underlining for links).

As someone using the current website both on desktop and phone, the
only thing that has ever sprung to mind as a possible improvement would
be to constrain the line length, as I often have to tighten the window a
bit (interestingly, a good line length tends to be around 80
characters [1] and where have we heard that number before?). On
man.openbsd.org there is a fixed line length, just that it is a tiny
bit too wide for reading comfort.

[1]: https://practicaltypography.com/line-length.html

I honestly like the current design. It is functional and stands out
when so many other projects seem to have spent too much time on style
rather than substance.

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