j...@bitminer.ca said on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 09:52:18 -0600

>- font size is too small; but so is the original.  Lato at 14px is 
>similar to Times Roman at 16px in words per line but it's still too 
>small.  (Chrome on windows, 100% zoom).    Try 14.5px and
>letterspacing 0.1px and see if this is better for you.

In my opinion websites should specify neither the font face (Lato or
Times or whatever) nor the size, either in points or percentage,
especially points. This allows all visitors to read the content in a
fontface they actually have on their system, and a size matching their
visual acuity. 


Steve Litt 
Autumn 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

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