WordPress and Joomla can be deployed without using a port/package. I've
always done it this way.

It's up to you which web server you choose. I'd go with OpenBSD httpd
because I really like its simple configuration (in contrast to Apache).
If you decide to use httpd, definitely read httpd(8). httpd.conf(5) has
some very neat config file examples.

If you plan on using an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt, you will
find acme-client(1) most useful. It's really nice light replacement for

See this guide for installing WordPress on OpenBSD:

In essence, you'll need to set httpd up to use PHP (examples have that
covered), and set up MariaDB. Then you drop WP files, extract them in
the server root, and complete the process in the web browser.

WP also has an install guide you can follow:
This one will probably use Apache, though.

On Thu, 9 Nov 2023 12:38:27 +0100
"soko.tica" <soko.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a task to launch from scratch one site web hosting google cloud
> instance.
> I know OpenBSD does have httpd web server, but I couldn't have found
> neither wordpress nor joomla software neither in packages nor in
> ports (7.4 -stable).
> Is there a possibility to launch wordpress or joomla on such an
> instance on OpenBSD? Which manpages should I read?
> Thanks in advance,

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