On 2023/11/09 12:38:27 +0100, "soko.tica" <soko.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a task to launch from scratch one site web hosting google cloud
> instance.
> I know OpenBSD does have httpd web server, but I couldn't have found
> neither wordpress nor joomla software neither in packages nor in ports (7.4
> -stable).
> Is there a possibility to launch wordpress or joomla on such an instance on
> OpenBSD? Which manpages should I read?
> Thanks in advance,

Both wordpress and joomla are written in PHP, so start by installing it
and reading the README file the php package installs in

There you'll find carefully described the steps you need to to do run
php stuff in the /var/www chroot with OpenBSD' httpd (and also notes for
Apache httpd and nginx).  Pay particular attention to the "Extension
modules" section since wordpress will need a few of them, "Living with
chroot" and "Making network connections".

Similarly, you'll also need mariadb (for wordpress at least.)  Same
thing, the package installs a README file with the relevant information.

Then, installing wordpress is a matter of fetching the latest sources,
unzip them somewhere under /var/www/ and run the installer.  It will
probably complain about a few missing php modules (stuff like php-gd or
maybe php-zip).  Install them, restart php-fpm, rinse and repeat until
it's happy :)

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