Dear "misc" list attendees,

maybe someone of you has an idea what happened.

Ten years ago I installed OpenBSD 5.[?] which included setting up a
small partition of 2 GB, including the full OS with kernel, programs,
web-related data, etc.. Occasionally the partition was full so I had to
gzip some logs. Please don't mind that I didn't update the OS - I must
have been very lucky that nothing serious happened, at least I didn't
notice anything suspicious.

What also may be noted is that the ufs magic 0x00011954 (or,
1954 0001, in hexdump switched 2-bytes) was present at position 0x255c
and 0x455c and several times at larger offsets. (very helpful, this
post:; looked
similar to mine few days ago)

This weekend I installed OpenBSD 7.4. (Btw I dislike that the fdisk
"quit" command writes changes, just a side note. Finally I
reconstructed the partition table (fresh MBR pointing to the still
intact disklabel) with the help of GNU/Linux tools i'm familiar with) I
assigned a mount point to the old partition, "/oldbsd5", which worked
on first boot. I just saw the usual files usr, mnt, ... when invoking
"ls /oldbsd5", assumed it was working then. Automatic fstab entry was 

[hash].j /oldbsd5 ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2

Then I deleted "rw," from fstab and maybe rebooted the system once or
twice. I'm pretty sure that I never made rm -rf on that directory. Then
I found out (with df -h) that the partition is empty. Really actually
empty, so theres no hidden file, no file, no lost+found, just nothing.

The data, however, is still scattered on disk. I can see the lines of
known text files with grep. I also can see the signature at 0x455c, but
not any more at 0x255c. fsck doesn't find anything problematic.

I have no clue. a) What happened?, b) How easy would it be to get the
data back? (not too important, not my first data loss, but annoying,

Best Regards

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