> SOGo depends on SOPE, that has two subpackages for PostgreSQL and
> MySQL/MariaDB.
> If you want to use MariaDB as backend, you have to install the sope-mysql
> subpackage, as mentioned in the SOGo README.
> As also mentioned in the README, you can use the GNUstep defaults tool
> su  - _sogo
> $ defaults write sogod WOPort
> $ defaults write sogod WOWorkersCount 4
> ...
> $ defaults read
> sogod WOWorkersCount 4
> sogod WOPort
> ...
> If you insist on the config file,
> you should be able to take the sogo.conf example file from:
> https://github.com/Alinto/sogo/blob/master/Scripts/sogo.conf
> as a start, and place it in /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
> When I remember at the next update, I'll include to install it,
> otherwise if someone provides patches before that time,
> send them to me directly.
> Sebastian

Thanks for that info, Sebastian.

It'd be much better for me to have a single configuration file to manage
all the options,
settings and values within there, instead of configuring SOGo in the shell,
line by line.

Question #1; There is no /etc/sogo/ folder by the default after pkg_add
If I manually create /etc/sogo/sogo.conf, would SOGo automatically
recognize it?
Or some "sogod_flags" in rc.conf.local would be needed to point to the
configuration file?

Question #2: Would "pkg_add sope-mysql" be a correct way to add MariaDB
(The file "/usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/sogo" does not mention anything
about that,
but perhaps I'm looking for a wrong README)

Many thanks,

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