On Mon, 25 Mar 2024 23:40:52 +0100, Karel Lucas wrote:
> After installing colorls and making some adjustments to the system, I 
> still have no colored output from colorls. Below I have indicated the 
> settings that have been made or are present by default. I would like 
> to know what is wrong and what needs to be improved.
> Default environment:
> TERM=vt220

$ pkg_info -q colorls
ls(1) that can use color to display file attributes

This is a simple hack, taken from FreeBSD, to OpenBSD's ls(1) to
use ANSI sequences to display file attributes in color.  There is
a -G flag (somewhat similar to the -F flag).  Take a look at the
man page for details.  The program is called "colorls", so you may
want to use an alias such as ls=/usr/local/bin/colorls.

Note that you need a color-capable terminal to enable colorls.  This
means you should set your TERM to "wsvt25" on the wscons(4) console
and to "sun-color" when using the Sun console, not "vt220" and
"sun", respectively, which are not color-capable in termcap(5).

Maintainer: Christian Weisgerber <na...@openbsd.org>

Amelia A. Lewis                    amyzing {at} talsever.com
  Light is the left hand of darkness
  and darkness the right hand of light.
    Two are one, life and death, lying
    together like lovers in kemmer,
      like hands joined together,
      like the end and the way.
        -- Tormer's Lay [Ursula K. Le Guin, "The Left Hand of Darkness"]

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