"Luca Leone" <l...@birbi.biz> writes:

I could not find much online on how to write these two guys: httpd.conf and relayd.conf

On OpenBSD, the first places to check for documentation are:

* the man(ual) pages, which can be accessed from the command line, e.g.

 $ man httpd.conf
 $ man relayd.conf

but which can also be accessed online:


* and the FAQ:


and a bit surprinsigly - at least to me - chatgpt didn't get the syntax right either, no matter how detailed my prompt was.

Not at all surprising to me, given that ChatGPT and other LLM-based 'AI' systems - essentially Markov chains / glorified autocorrect - are increasingly known for 'hallucinations' and confidently making false claims. i have a boatload of links about this stuff, but here are a couple of examples:

* ChatGPT claims that the _whistleblower_ of a bribery scandal was a guilty party: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-06/hepburn-mayor-flags-legal-action-over-false-chatgpt-claims/102195610

* Meta Chatbot claims to have a child in school: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-19/meta-releases-llama-3-ai-model/103744538


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