On 12/5/24 10:02, tux2bsd wrote:
The rest of what you blathered about is in your head, I only ever
mentioned the lack of an (singular) announcement via Twitter.

You want announcements on Twitter, you make it happen.

As it happens, Twitter is DEAD. Ask that idiot @elonmusk -- he'll confirm it for you. He calls it đť•Ź. The domain remains "twitter.com" because they've likely hard-coded it into too many places to make a feasible switch-over to "x.com" possible.

It's also dead because how how things are being run there. It's a site for misinformation. "OpenBSD 7.5 is released" isn't misinformation, it's fact, so has no place on twitter.com or x.com. It's also news about an open-source free-software project, something that also is off-topic for twitter.com and x.com.

But, that's beside the point. There's an API there… it's not rocket science to write a script that takes an email from `stdin`, scrapes the subject line and a hyperlink, then slaps that into a HTTP POST request… then configure your mail server to call it on receipt of an email.

I for one, am thankful they provide this project at all. OpenBSD and its spin-off projects like OpenSSH… have made the Internet a better place. The OpenBSD team owe us (you included), nothing.

They already give plenty.  And I've given this thread enough attention.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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