On 13/5/24 04:40, Chris Bennett wrote:
I saw a news bit yesterday that in one town, all of the school children
are buying old fashioned typewriters to break their link to computers
and do things the old fashioned way. +1 to them.
I prefer real text on paper myself. I learn things much better that way.

Makes a lot more sense for teaching typing skills actually. In my day, my school was using i586-class machines running Windows 95 and Office 97.

Seemed like a reasonable choice, but Word 97 was overkill for the job, and actually had a few anti-features which were problematic in exams: it only took an arsehole student a brief moment to stab F7 on your keyboard just as a teacher came around the corner to get someone disqualified from the typing exam… since use of the spell checker was forbidden in that context.

Typewriters had no such luxuries. Mind you, neither did "simpler" word processors and text editors, so chalk one up for educator tunnel vision.

I applaud the kids there for thinking outside the box.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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