> thankless?  you sir, are the most thankless project leader
> i have ever seen in my life.

We thank with code.  We don't come shower people with nice words.
We write code.

> i have been advocating openbsd since the 2.6 times
> and buying cds/shirts/posters since i started making
> money.  wim can tell you that, we mail a lot, because
> except one time, all my stuff was always late :)
> oh, and my 3.8 poster is still not here (sorry wim).

Advocacy is a way that our user community can help themselves,
because it means that we can keep writing code.

Oh, I thought you said something nice above, but you managed
to sneak in even more complaining.

> i raise controversial issues on misc@ i admit that,
> some might even call it flaming, i call it food for
> thought.  people pretend some questions/issues dont
> exist or they just don't ask it, because they get
> attacked.

It is not food for thought.  It is just you showing that you
believe that when we write something, and then you show thanks
to us, we should show thanks back to you.  That makes no sense.
If you wish for us to spend our time thanking people for thanking
us, rather than writing more code, you have got it all wrong.

> _i_ started this thread because _i_ think you and some

NO.  You started this thread because you like to hear
yourself talk.  There is NOTHING else going on, except
for you liking the sound of your own voice, and your own
dissatisfied keystrokes.  If you are so dissatisfied with the
things that we do for you, PLEASE stop using them.  Go find
someone else who can satisfy you.

> of devs are not thankful, that you flame us till we
> burn but accept our money.  and now you say _i_ am not
> thankful.  sir, you are a master of words.

No, we only flame losers who whine, whine, WHINE, and then a
week later keep WHINING.  "You guys keep giving us software!
But you never say nice words! You suck!".

It is whining.  It is NOTHING but whining.

> i am a man of principles just as you. so i do what
> i believe in.  just like you.

You are not a man.  You are a whiny child who thinks that
they should get their software, for free, and then when the
nice words are not included they can spend a few minutes to
make personal attacks on the people who spent hundreds and
thousands of hours writing it.

Maybe you are not even a man, because I know whiny children
who are nicer than you.

> but somehow we always end up at the wrong wavelength.
> you will not believe, but it is not my intention.

The frequency and amplitude of your whining is just too much
for us.  Please stop it immediately.

Just shut up!

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