I think that everyone here at one point or another has been insulted
or even attacked for posting to this mailing list. Yes, there are some
very 'trigger happy' folks here. More so then other mailing lists.

I am not saying that often enough an email doesn't warrant a good
flame, but sometimes I really wish people would put the stress of
work, and EGO's aside and have a bit more empathy for each other.

After all, there really is no reason to single anyone out, if you
don't like the post or the person that posted it. You don't have to

Obviously, the original post struck a nerve otherwise there would be
no response.

I have enough balls to say, "Yes, there are a lot of assholes on this
list, and I can honestly say that I'm far from nice and perfect" but
for the most part I strive to be helpful and not hurtful.

That is what I think the original author was trying to get across..
which, if the wheels stop turning for a few moments, and people
remember to breath..

sleep 5

just maybe we can turn this community into a fully self-supported,
highly productive, machine that puts an end to this negativity. Which
quite frankly, kills productivty.


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