Il 05/06/2024 07:08, Peter J. Philipp ha scritto:

I have been made aware of hearsay that someone took my open source code
protected under the same license as OpenBSD and sold it for a lot of money.


Thanks for any information leading to the lawsuit.  I believe I will also
get in contact with, if I have solid evidence of this.


I am a lawyer. No, I'm not into IP things.

Stop here. Get a lawyer fond of IP regulations and acts ruling: $your_country, $opponent_country, $international_ip_laws, software licenses. Bring him your paperwork, proof of prior-art and proof of infringement. Listen to him.

IP regulations are tricky. Their effectiveness is country dependant and that affects *everything*; what's (quite) true in US may mean absolutely nothing in $random_EU_country, lacking some formal requirements (and, even in "harmonized systems", every country knows subtle but quite substantial differences).
Software licenses are even more problematic.

I'm sorry, but hanging around some mailing-list, even if full of qualified people, won't solve your problem, nor help you to understand your choices in depth.

As Stuart Henderson already told you, this thing will cost you money: I may add that it will cost you pain. Courts are unpleasant places.
Good luck.

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