On Fri, Jun 07, 2024 at 10:32:42AM +0200, Jan Stary wrote:
> > The company who bought the scam sell, really bought something worthless
> > because there is an open source version and possibly better than what they
> > have as time goes forward (in my perspective).
> That's what I don't understand. If someone sold your open source
> DNS server, they mostly scammed the _buyer_. And if they did not
> change the license, and kept your name on it while selling it,
> they haven't even broken the license.
> To be clear: I can sell delphinusdnsd-1.8.0.tar.gz
> to anyone stupid enough to buy it, right?
>       Jan

Yep, it's like that company selling property on the moon.  It is not really
acceptable that you have property on the moon, which you can't claim.  Someone
will place their moon base on your property and there is nothing you can do.

I'm mostly out to see if anyone was stupid enough to change my license though.
I still feel that if I'm stripped from the license then I am harmed as it will
come to a legal battle eventually.  If not against me then against my robot
children, which I plan to adopt in 20 years.


** all info about me:  lynx https://callpeter.tel, dig loc delphinusdns.org **

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