And also thanks to everyone who helped and/or tried to help...

I'll try the fsdb utility when I'll have a chance to do it, at least fsdb(8)
says that it usually opens a raw disk partition, which I have, so there's that

It'd be nice if someone can share any experiences with this matter (which fall 
under the
conditions that which I imposed on myself), especially fsdb, assuming that it
can actually help in this matter... in an understandable fashion... unless I
waste 5 days on it (and still get nothing lol)

A filesystem is like a big part of an operating system, in my opinion, because
a lot of things are a file (if not all), and a FS is a system of that, so it's
like a foundation of sorts, so good to learn it, just dunno if I'll be capable
to consume it's likely monstrous (subjective) difficulty

So as far as I understand, because of the 1st 74M being gone (the index of the
FS and stuff I'm guessing), that's like the entire FS is corrupt, so I'm
guessing I'd somehow have to go trough the entire 220/239G of data with fsdb...
and my guess is that it won't be fast....

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