On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 08:17:42PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > http://www.digg.com/linux_unix/OpenBSD_needs_a_major_donor
> > http://bsd.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/03/21/1555243
> > 
> > No one seems to care (unless donations have shot up and Theo, et. al.
> > haven't mentioned it)
> >From what I see, we have received a mini flood of donations, which
> means there will soon be a drought.  It is already slowing down a lot.
> In the end, it will not be enough, unless there is another "funding
> drive" just like this in another 6 months.
> If I can try to estimate the situation, having seen how it works
> before.. hold onto your seats, this is confusing:
> In the end, 50% of what we have gotten we would have received anyways
> from nice donators over the coming 6 months.  So we will have received
> about twice as much as normal, but just sooner.  Of course, since this
> rush was driven by a press deluge on this issue (just check
> news.google), people will very quickly forget, and not wish to help us
> again quite as soon.  As I said, it is already slowing down.  There
> are a finite number of people who can be reached directly via even
> these information forums...

One thing you can do is extend the conversation, politely, to your
local LUG/BUG/UUG mailing list (which I imagine many of us are on.)
Some of them will have seen it on slashdot, but many won't.  Bringing in
new donors and interested people in OpenSSH will help more than us all
chipping in what we would have already (full disclosure:  I'm a lapsed
CD buyer who right now placed his first CD order in a couple years).

David Terrell

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