On a more productive note...

>From the Donations page:

Simply send a donation cheque in CDN/US/EUR funds made out to Theo de Raadt,
cheques made out to "OpenBSD" cannot be cashed.

This creates a problem for companies that want to make donations. I think we
all agree we'd rather see larger donations from companies / corporate
entities than the revenue brought in from a T-shirt or a small individual

However, most companies are either unwilling or unable to cut a check to
"Some guy in Canada." Writing a check to Theo de Raadt in Canada is
logistically either very difficult or simply impossible. We have to get
approvals, PO's, go through accounting departments, etc. Imagine having to
explain to some beancounter that you have to send some guy in a foreign land
a personal check. We want to donate, our direct management agrees, but
getting it through accounting is impossible given these circumstances.

There are some things that would help companies/corporations donate to

1) Create a DBA (Doing Business As) or some other functional entity named
"OpenBSD" that can have a check written to it. It's a lot easier to get a
check written to a business than to an individual.

2) Lots of companies can't send money out until they "get a bill." There
needs to be some way to generate a "donation invoice" that can be taken to
accounting. We need to be able to present our accounting departments with
paperwork that says something to the effect of "We owe OpenBSD $1000."

-----Original Message-----
From: Theo de Raadt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:52 AM
To: Peter Fraser
Cc: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: OpenBSD and the money 

We have nowhere to start.  Alberta does not care about what we do.
This is an oil place, not a IT place.

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