Finally having to weight in:

I personally and my company has been buying at least 2 copies of each release and t-shirts for as long as I can remember. The store folks do a great job, and the one time they mixed up an order they sent me a T-shirt and a nice reply. Theo and many others have worked hard for years to give us an outstanding OS, and Theo and others have made it a cost-effective distribution even in the one CD per machine ration. During this time he and his team have had to deal with what are complicated licensing and design issues. I always wonder, do people believe that this happens by some magic method, or do they not get that it is: a lot of long hours, people complaining about things covered in FAQ's or available in archive, and in general being painted as some money grubbing developer every-time you tried to take the ship farther?

So please for those of us that need the bandwidth of these groups to follow critical issues that have not been covered in the past:

1. Read the damn FAQ's, newbies, and do a Google search on what you are about to waste list bandwidth on. People on the project spend good time getting this done for us. 2. Buy the CD, and quit bitching about it. For that matter be a good neighbor and buy one copy per machine you run the OS on. 3. If you think that the price is unwarranted and unaffordable, you really need to get a job so you can afford the meager fee. Or donate some blood?
4.      The stickers make it all worth it.

So here is my plea. Move on

Also one promise if someone actually does start copying the current obsd distribtion ISO that is copyright Theo; I for one will make donation to help Theo hire legal counsel to file a suit under WIPO and all other applicable jurisdictional piracy statutes to stop the distribution. He has been creative in getting funds to make the ship go. If you don't like it. Get off the ship.

Please note I do not work for Theo and am not a principal developer. I am just a client for the OpenBSD distribution, making my own additions for our clients and ourselves as needed.

My comments should probably have remained in my head, but this thread made me so fumed I had to actually reach for my nitro tablets and take two.

Flame away if you must. Move on and be a good citizen. Life is too short to argue over things under < $50


Chet Uber
President and Chief Scientist
SecurityPosture, Inc.
3718 N 113 Plaza, Omaha, NE 68164
vox +1 (402) 505-9684 | fax +1 (402) 932-2130 | cell (402) 813-3211
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