
I'm having trouble to get dhcpd to work with two different wlan adapters in hostap mode, ral and ural: the client does not receive a dhcp lease.
Using last 3.9 snapshot (4 April)

ural0: ANI 802.11g WLAN Adapter, rev 2.00/0.01, addr 2
ural0: MAC/BBP RT2570 (rev 0x05), RF RT2526, address 00:13:46:63:1b:59

ral0 at pci0 dev 14 function 0 "Ralink RT2561S" rev 0x00: irq 11, address 00:0e:8e:02:ed:59
ral0: MAC/BBP RT2661B, RF RT2527

dhcpd -d ral0 (or dhcpd -d ural0) does not show any output, but /var/db/dhcpd.leases is updated correctly, but the client does not get a ip etc.

pf is off, no firewall at the client side.
When using a static ip on the client, everything works fine.

Any suggestions?


Johan Linnir

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