FTP wrote:
On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 08:49:03PM +0200, Sigfred Heversen wrote:
Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2006/07/03 13:52, Nick Holland wrote:

(contrast this to Squirrelmail, which does (amazingly) run in a

Same for Hastymail and Roundcube. I guess it's not too much of a stretch with IMP either (though I haven't actually used IMP
recently enough to have checked chroot).

In tree mail/imp depends on devel/horde that has exploit(s) in the


I had a look on IMP and looks fine to me cause you can have POP3 too
as well. I actually dodn't intend to isntall an IMAP server.

Using IMP to avoid an IMAP server is like cutting off your hands because you don't wish to trim your fingernails. A Bit Drastic, I do think. And similarly crippling, as IMP is less than 100% effective without IMAP, apparently:
"IMAP is recommended over POP3 in order to let users maintain mail folders other than INBOX and is required to allow messages to be flagged. IMAP is also much faster than POP3 in displaying a mailbox of messages. In short, do not use POP3 unless IMAP is not available."

If you want IMP, IMAP is the least of your tasks. I think once you have IMP configured, you will forget that IMAP was even involved.

As a result is IMP a good solution for a small e-mail server?

I've never got IMP all the way running...but I very quickly came to the conclusion that "small" and IMP or any other Horde-based product have nothing to do with each other.

That's not to say that IMP isn't a (potentially) cool product, and I'd like to come back to it, but the setup and config is much more "involved" than I'd find justified for a "small" e-mail server.

OpenWebmail is very charming because of how very little it needs to bring into base OpenBSD to get working. I set it up for a school of about 200 students on a PII-450, worked well (once I set up MASSIVE amounts of swap space...having 25 students change their PWs at the same time burned through something like 600M of RAM+swap very quickly...swap-to-file to the rescue!). I must say, at this point, being not written in PHP is starting to look Really Nice, too.


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