On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Sebastian Benoit wrote:

> This sounds like a MTU problem. Either those sites are blocking

Unlikely. I have cable, not a PPTP/PPPoE link. Therefore, no packet
encapsulation. I'm aware of the MTU issue with ADSL.

> ICMP-frag-needed messages or you are.

I think I am. _Only_ reassemble tcp breaks things, but why?

>  - set the correct MTU
>  - check pf.conf for "scrub max-mss [...]"

No changes necessary, IMHO. 

>  - google

Have done this, of course. Turned up e.g.: 

Similar problem but no solution.

>  - why do you use no-df?

Because of the NFS issue mentionied in pf.conf(5) and the FAQ.
May not be useful on the external interface, though.
However, the problem persists even without no-df.


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