> Unfortunately I cannot determine why only some sites have troubles
> and that's why I seeking advice here on howto further diagnose
> the problem.
> Any hints are appreciated!

It's a stab in the dark but I would start with the assumption that some
sites are using server load balancing and that "reassemble tcp" is
breaking this somehow. Then I'd try and prove that assumption by looking
at the tcpdumps specifically for how "reassemble tcp" changes may be

Get tcpdumps on both router interfaces with and without the "reassemble
tcp" option. Do this for a similar file on both a working website and
broken (ebay) website.

Tips on doing this:
- be careful not to filter too much, you might miss an important icmp
reply from an interim router
- make sure tcpdump's snaplen is big enough to get all the headers -
including http
- try and replicate the issue with small html files so the packet
captures aren't too busy
- ensure that each capture sees the tcp handshake and FIN

Then load the comparable captures into Ethereal/Wireshark and stare at
them until it makes sense :-)


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