---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 14:28:44 +0200
>From: Hekan Olsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: Re: VPN help needed: OpenBSD in the corporate environment instead of
>To: jeraklo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: misc@openbsd.org
>On 28 jul 2006, at 14.09, jeraklo wrote:
>> So, you are saying that pf(4), ipsec(4), ipsecctl(8),
>> and maybe vpn(8) is all I need ?  Do I have to make
>That's a good start, yes. Plus it should be fairly easy to find  
>configuration examples for setups like this.
>> some special tweakings on the windows client machines
>> in order to run the VPN, or is ti just a matter of
>> some default configuration ?
>There is an IPsec implementation in Windows, but configuring it is  
>something else again. It's been a few years since I experimented with  
>it last, but it was "no fun" then, at all. If you search for it,  
>you'll probably find some references on how to set it up on the net.  
>I figure most people using IPSec on Windows end up using some kind of  
>IPSec client software...

if you search the archives, there are a number of threads discussing windows xp
interoperating with openbsd's isakmpd. using ipseccmd.exe on winxp is one
option, it's in the archives. a problem i've noted with ipseccmd.exe is that the
connection doesn't show up in winxp's routing table and can be annoying to
firewall, assuming you're using windows for firewalling.

a recent post on how to do this using ipsec.conf that i haven't yet had
opportunity to try out myself is:


i'm not sure about the status of road warrior support (e.g. feral kid with metal
boomerang) for ipsec.conf rules, hakan would likely know what's up with that.



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