Hosted Solutions based out of North Carolina mat offer what you need. They
currently have data centers in Raleigh, Charlotte and Cary North Carolina.
They are working on a fourth data center outside the state. Huge initiative
to support opensource, very competent comany with some major customers in
the carolinas, such as the Carolina Hurricanes Pro Hockey team and many
more. Awesome support for Unix and Linux, specializing in Openbsd firewall

On 9/16/06, Gilles Chehade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi misc@,
> I am looking for companies that provide OpenBSD-powered dedicated hosting.
> Currently, I am being hosted by a french company which turned out to be as
> incompetent as can be, and I am willing to switch as soon as possible
> (preferably before the 25th of September).
> I have google-d a bit and found out a few companies, but its hard to know
> in advance which are competent and which will drive me into depression. So
> I'm turning to you, if you know of companies that do good work, that
> aren't
> too expensive and that provide OpenBSD based services, please mail me
> off-list so I can start digging their offers.
> Thanks a lot people ;)

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