Igor Sobrado wrote:
I cannot see why making a patch to change the links is difficult.
I will look at the cvs repository as soon as I get some time and
submit a patch.  In any case, I would appreciate a carefully review
of it, just to fit it to the taste of the developers.


It's harder than it looks (at least for me).

Keep in mind, the PRIMARY usage by most readers is via web browser, so making it an awkward read to the majority so the text and PDF readers are happier is not really what I'm after. The result should be comfortably readable, not yelling at the reader, "THE AUTHOR WAS WORKING HARD TO AVOID SAYING 'click _here_' AND WROTE THIS LONG, AWKWARD SENTENCE".

What I'd put in an e-mail is different than how I'd present the same idea on a web page, on a flat text file, in a book, verbally delivered in person by me, or verbally delivered in person by someone else. Each format has its strengths. I'd like to maintain the strengths of the Web format. If improving it for .TXT or .PDF can be done, great, but if it hurts the web format, I'll not be happy.

One option might be a "see also" section at the end of appropriate articles, listing the significant cross-references. I've tried that in a few places...not sure I like it yet.


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