On Wed, 7 Feb 2007, Lawrence Horvath wrote:

> I am trying to get my openbsd 4.0 box to allow remote ssh logins using
> an rsa key,
> i added the key into my ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, and set
> permissions on ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys to 0600

That'll render .ssh almost useless.... make that 0700 for the dir.

> i added the rsa of its self, for testing, however i cant seem to get
> an ssh session to authenticate with out the password
> contents of authorized_keys(parts of the key omited):
> ssh-rsa AAAA.....==
> Anyone know what im doing wrong? why it wont authenticate with the rsa key?
> If anymore info is needed please let me know
> -- 
> -Lawrence
> -Student ID 1028219

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