I recently upgraded a Soekris 4801 firewall from OpenBSD 3.7 to 4.0.  The
configuration for firewalling (pf.conf) is unchanged.  On 3.7, at peak
throughput I normally saw maybe 65% - 76% interrupt mode and little or no
congestion.  However, on 4.0 with similar traffic levels I see 85% - 95%
interrupt mode and the congestion counter increments fairly rapidly.

Of course, one cannot expect best performance from a Soekris due to the
chipsets, but it was -adequate- on 3.7.

I've spent a little time google'ing for any observations on a difference in
performance between 3.7 and 4.0 and have found nothing useful so far.

Have other list members had this experience or know of anyone else who has?
so, has anyone had any favorable performance tuning experiences that might
me out?  So far, the only tuning change I've made for 4.0 was to increase
net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen from 50 to 150, but this appears to have had

William Bloom| Snr Systems Engineer|M P H A S I S Architecting Value |
Healthcare Solutions
5353 North 16th Street, Suite 400 Phoenix, Az 85016 | Direct: +11-602-604-3100
Fax: +11-602-604-3115| http://www.eldocomp.com


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