* tony sarendal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-03-16 06:03:49]:

> http://www.openbsd.org/mail.html
> ---
> *security-announce* Security announcements. This low volume list receives
> OpenBSD security advisories and pointers to security patches as they become
> available.---Martin and Karl have valid points in their initial emails.
> /Tony S

It's important to put yourself in Theo et al.'s shoes.  Here's a
group of people who write code for free, and then give it away for
free.  There's no serious cash inflow to enable them to do everything
they want.  The code can be used by anybody for whatever purpose,
like: making money!  And does that money ever find it's way back
to OpenBSD?  I'm talking about big corporations here.  OpenSSH is
in _everything_.  It's only natural that OpenBSD should feel a sense
of ingratitude...  because there is ingratitude.  To add insult to
injury, people ask for more than what is freely offered.  Example:
this thread.

If you want to see X feature, hire one of the developers.
If you want to keep getting releases, pay Theo's hydroponics..  err
electric bill.  etc etc

Travers Buda

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