Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 12:38:05PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
So isn't it rather hypocritical to have a anti-Blob campaign, backed
by projects which embrace the Blob?

So isn't it rather hypocritical to claim GPL license is bad and BSD
license is good and ship operating system with GPLed code?
How do you feel about having pro-GPL operating system? Why do you lie to
your users by having 'BSD' in operating system's name?

I'm sure you get the point, but I'm also sure you won't admit it.
Anyway, I just had to do it, because...

wow, this is an unbelievably dumb statement.

the whole obsession with the drivers as opposed to the userland stuff is due to the extent to which an exploit can run amok. if you don't trust some GPL userland code, you can systrace it, etc, and be relatively sure you're not going to get blasted. this is why you don't hear ppl ranting about GPL code in the packages, etc. your whole analogy is irrelevant.

Daniel Seuffert got very angry, and instead of removing operating
systems which are pro-Blob from an anti-Blob posted, they instead
deleted us.

Isn't that just incredible?

The only incredible thing I find in this thread is how easy for you is
to insult such a great BSD advocate as Daniel Seuffert is.

PS. This e-mail is for Theo. The only reason I'm sending it to the list
is to publicly support Daniel, who is doing a great job for BSD systems
in many areas. Feel free not to respond.

nobody is questioning how great a BSD advocate Daniel is, only that his effort with this poster and the related advocacy is deeply flawed. to include OSes on such a poster which foster continued blob generation is absurd. nobody's perfect and this happens to have been a mistake on Daniel's part, IMO.

Pawel Jakub Dawidek             
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 
FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!

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