On Sat, Apr 07, 2007 at 02:41:50AM -0700, Merp.com Volunteer wrote:

> I'm trying to have it setup as:
> /raid0a       =>      /boot
> /raid0d       =>      /
> /raid0e       =>      /usr
> Instead it's coming up as:
> /raid0a       =>      /
> /raid0e       =>      /usr

  first, caveat that i've never setup root-on-raid; however sometime in the
  near future i will be, so i've looked at the docs a couple of times.

  i thought you could only do root-on-raid[frame] if you used a nonraid
  boot partition:

  from raid(4):

RAID filesystems which are automatically configured
are also eligible to be the root filesystem.  There is currently no sup-
port for booting a kernel directly from a RAID set.  To use a RAID set as
the root filesystem, a kernel is usually obtained from a small non-RAID
partition, after which any auto-configuring RAID set can be used for the
root filesystem.

  my interpretation of that is that a construct like:

> My fstab looks like:
> /dev/raid0a   /boot   ffs     rw                      1 1

  is invalid.

  you'd need a regular wd(4)/sd(4)/whatever partition to boot from.

* in openbsd, '/boot' is a file (the 2nd stage boot loader), not a
  directory (like linux), as is indicated in biosboot(8):

     /usr/mdec/mbr         Master Boot Record block
     /usr/mdec/biosboot    primary bootstrap
-->  /boot                 secondary bootstrap <-- 
     /usr/mdec/pxeboot     PXE bootstrap
     /bsd                  OpenBSD kernel
     /bsd.mp               OpenBSD kernel for multi-processor machines
     /bsd.rd               OpenBSD kernel for installation/recovery

  so to accomodate the root on raid, say with two physical IDE drives
  in the box, you setup the disklabel on the harddrives identically,
  and then have your 'a' partitions be regular 4.2_BSD partitions, 
  and then make the 'd' partitions type RAID, and then setup raid0.conf
  to use wd0d and wd1d, build your raid drive off that, and then setup
  the disklabel inside raid0 however you want for the partitions you
  want to be on raid ( in your case, '/' and '/usr' ).

  the 'a' partitions would not need to be large at all (256MB would
  probably be more than enough) because all they're gonna do is 
  have the bootloader and the kernel on them.  they might not even
  appear in fstab at all.

  when the machine boots the openbsd bootloader on that wd0a partition,
  it loads up and then when the kernel looks for a root partition,
  if you've setup the '/' on the raid to be '-A root', it would
  load that up.

  the filesystem layout on the wd0a would only need to have the
  basic kernel and boot files, and then an '/etc/boot.conf' if you
  used that.
> My raid0.conf looks like:

  raid0.conf looks fine.

> Not sure what else I should include.

  the disklabels (and might as well do fdisk output) of wd0 and wd1.

  maybe you're coming up r/o because of that '/boot' in fstab thing.

  if it seems that everything i said above is already how you have it,
  also including a copy/paste of the bootup (from kernel down to getty)
  might help.  might need a serial console to get that info, as there's
  no analogue to linux's 'bootlogd'.



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