On Sunday 15 April 2007 22:30, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2007/04/15 20:27, Chris C. wrote:
> > I'm in the need to replace my two 100mbit fxp nic's in my firewall with a
> > 1000mbit one. The hardware is kinda old. (PIII)
> > I'm looking for an inexpensive but not bad (so I think no realtek chips)
> > nic. Have looked at sk and bge, but couldn't find any bge nics at my
> > local vendors. So... which driver to go? sk? em?
> Modern Realtek re(4) are not really a problem, they do IPv4 TCP
> checksum offload, HW vlan tagging, and are a better design than the
> rl(4). They only handle jumbo frames up to 7.5k, but if jumbo
> support was a big issue you'd probably have mentioned it already
> (and even 2k would cover many of the reasons you'd want jumbos).
> I'd still go for the sk(4) if they were the same price - this is
> fairly possible, unlike em(4) which will almost certainly cost more
> than re(4) - but don't worry about it, pretty much anything you
> pick up is likely to work fine.

Thanks, will go and get some sk's.


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