On Apr 16, 2007, at 3:51 AM, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2007/04/15 03:41, Bryan Vyhmeister wrote:
(As an aside, how often do you update your -current systems

varies; main desktop/laptop and any boxes I use when I'm working
on anything to do with ports, fairly often.

other machines - generally when there's a fix that I want or when
there's something particular to test.

OK. Thanks for the info.

and do you run -current on production servers?)

sometimes. I've probably got more production routers than
servers running OpenBSD, almost all of the routers run varying
degrees of -current.

My DNS servers are running older versions of current that I need to update. I am always a little concerned that I am going to run into a show-stopping bug that would cause downtime for an important server such as a mail server. That's why there is -release and -stable I suppose. The biggest reason I see personally for running -current is to get access to newer ports.


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