Hello community, I wana do something like:


I have:

cat /etc/ipsec.conf

ike dynamic from any to any \
        main auth  hmac-sha1 enc aes group modp1024 \
        quick auth hmac-sha1 enc aes psk secret

; ike passive, ike passive esp, ike esp, etc - no results.

Client side:


Server side:

isakmpd -4dKv && ipsecctl -F -f /etc/ipsec.conf : 

143203.134966 Default isakmpd: phase 1 done: initiator id c0a80321:, responder id 5851eaa2: XX.XX.XX.XX, src: XX.XX.XX.XX dst:
143203.154202 Default responder_recv_HASH_SA_NONCE: peer proposed invalid phase 
2 IDs: initiator id c0a80321:, responder id
143203.154348 Default dropped message from YY.YY.YY.YY port 59312 due to 
notification type NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN
143210.166313 Default responder_recv_HASH_SA_NONCE: peer proposed invalid phase 
2 IDs: initiator id c0a80321:, responder id

; In this case I'm not along: 

Parts from /etc/pf.conf relating to Subj:

scrub in no-df

pass in on $ext_if proto udp to ($ext_if) port { 500 4500 }
pass in on $ext_if proto esp to ($ext_if)
pass on enc0 

Any ideas? Thoughts? Or maybe I'm just missed something? I sincerely appreciate 
any assistance.
Thank you.

PS: http://www.thegreenbow.com/vpn_faq.html - done, no results.
    http://www.allard.nu/openbsd/ - done, no results.

PS2: Tried with different algorithms : 3des, aes, etc - no results. System: 
OpenBSD 4.1-stable.

My continued thanks for any assistance,
Sergey Prysiazhnyi

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