
I'm almost done configuring some little 1U server for my own
edutainment, and I'm busy trying to configure the serial console.
I have the excellent book of Michael W. Lucas calld "Absolute
OpenBSD", and he tells about serial console, that by entering "set tty
com0", we can access the machine from any other machine that has a
serial port, and a port monitoring software.
I use a windows computer for it, only because I know this machine's
serial port works, and the configuration I set up for my cisco (which
is the same config as the one for openbsd) works in that machine.
However, I can't get my serial port on my server to work ; I type in
set tty com0, and nothing nowhere ! It even seems this server does not
boot up ! (I can't find it with an nmap -sP with serial on booting,
while I can otherwise).
The server is an old compaq server : Proliant DL 320 (G1), with only 1
serial port on the motherboard.

Is there anyway for me to check my com port is detected and working,
before I put my server into a datacenter ?



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