On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 12:23:34AM +0200, Tonnerre LOMBARD wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 03, 2007 at 05:10:57PM +0200, Eric Elena wrote:
> > I think fat32 is a good choice: you have nothing to install.
> Did you ever have to debug a deep directory structure where something
> caused all directory to become files? On a 500G disk? Fun.

I would suggest that the OP be very specific with what is needed.  What
size of filesystem?  Which operating systems need to read only and which
to read and write.  Given how flexible Linux and OBSD are, I would guess
that the limit will be what can windows do.  I don't know since I only
used windows 3.1 for some games when I wasn't running OS/2.  For 7 years
its been Debian and now I'm transitioning to OBSD.  I never have to
interoperate with windows users.


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