On Sun, Sep 30, 2007 at 04:20:27PM +0200, Mark Kettenis wrote:

Also, you may want to try a 4.2-current kernel.  At least one acpi bug
that affects your machine has been fixed recently.

Probably it fixes something I can see once the machine boots ;)

Thanks anyway, tried -current but it still can't boot.


 Stephan A. Rickauer

 Institute of Neuroinformatics         Tel  +41 44 635 30 50
 University / ETH Zurich               Sec  +41 44 635 30 52
 Winterthurerstrasse 190               Fax  +41 44 635 30 53
 CH-8057 Zurich                        Web  www.ini.unizh.ch

 RSA public key:  https://www.ini.uzh.ch/~stephan/pubkey.asc

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