Physically, Itojun has gone from this temporal earthly life. But, IMHO, it 
won't be too
long that his legacy in the IPV6 arena will be of immense adaptations and 
benefits to
the internet community. Hence, the legend of the great gentle samurai hacker 
will always
be honored forevermore.

> Hi!
> On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 01:45:57AM +0100, Gilbert Fernandes wrote:
>>Dragos Ruiu a icrit :
>>>With great sadness, I regret to inform you that Itojun
>>>will not be presenting his great knowledge of IPv6 at
>>>PacSec.  I have been informed by several sources
>>>that he passed away yesterday.
>>This is very sad.
> Indeed.
>>I just spent some time watching again all his youtube
>>videos and the second one.. he talks of how ipv6 should be wide enough
>>so we should not run out of addresses, not in his lifetime. And then he
>>added that he hoped it would of course not be too short.
>>Seeing this video is strange. Itojun was someone very friendly.
>>And I mean it. Years ago I worked as a journalist for a french magazine
>>called Login (it no longer does exist now, its mother company has gone
>>bankrupt). For one of the issues, I had to write a big paper on Ipv6
>>and Itojun was, with a France Telecom ingineer specialized in ipv6 and
>>working from Belgium, the one person that answered first when I was
>>looking for advices and links on Internet.
>>Itojun spent a lot of time searching and sending me documentation.
>>Later, I learned that he had to get up early the next day but
>>nonetheless he spent several hours in the night looking for information
>>and writing some for me just for helping me on that paper.
>>Itojun just did it, and didnt even talked about his half night because
>>of this. He was someone gentle and kind and did efforts for others, and
>>without even talking about it. Learning now that he is gone is very sad.
> *nods* Thanks for that memory.
>>A few years later I remember Itojun receiving from someone on one of the
>>openbsd's mailing list a rather rude answer. I did interverne and tried
>>to tell that person he should be more cautious of his talk because he
>>obviously didnt do his homework before being rude to Itojun (if I
>>remember correctly it was after a commit and something was not working
>>perfectly after).
>>Itojun again did not publically answer his feelings, but I remember
>>receiving from him an email later, in private. We do meet rude people or
>>even morons from time to time (especially in openbsd-misc, you know what
>>I mean right ?) and this event did make something to Itojun. I could
>>feel it really hurt him to see someone react with so much rudeness after
>>a commit and having spent time working for the whole community. He was
>>puzzled and really did not understand the whole thing got out of
>>proportion like that.
> *sigh* Sad, indeed. Hope it helped him that at least you stood openly
> behind him.
>>I spent some time after this "accident" talking with him and telling him
>>about his code and snippets I had seen, and taking some fresh news since
>>our last email exchanges for my ipv6 paper.
>>Only talked with him twice to say, and I will never forget his kindness
>>and being very discrete about his efforts when having to help someone
>>just because you shared something he did like to work upon.
>>Goodbye Itojun.
> Kind regards,
> Hannah.

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