On 04:40:22 Nov 15, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> nonsense

Agreed. But for playing media I don't need.

> you are obviously not talking about mplayer on OpenBSD.

It will have it in future of course. :)

> because you do not say how or why it is better.  are the options
> more sensible?  is the compression better?  is the overall output
> smoother?  higher quality vs lower bitrate?  what is "better"?

To answer the above questions, I will try my best.

I don't get what you mean by compression but "options being sensible"
does not sound like something I can answer.

I will still try. It does give me enough options to play with. Whereas
ffmpeg hardly gives any.

Overall output being smoother?

It depends on the output driver. mplayer has support for a zillion
output drivers. No other application can match in that respect.

If you have xv support, I would think that mplayer can do a better job
than any other application. It makes use of optimal memory/CPU
resources. Even if you don't have xv support mplayer can do a good job.
Since the options are rich.

Higher quality vs lower bitrates?

It depends on the CODEC and as you know both mplayer and ffmpeg use the
same libavcodec library (more or less).

But mplayer/mencoder supports a great deal more tweakability.

Better is from many angles.:)

> I am the ffmpeg port maintainer.  I use ffmpeg regularly for video
> capture and transcoding.  it works quite well for me, and there are 
> no outstanding bug reports for the port.  I have never heard from you
> about "ffmpeg screws up the videos".

If it screws up the video, there is a problem in the algorithm and
not in the port.

I shall get back to you with bug reports in future.

Also it is good to know that you maintain the port. Thanks.

> look, someone asked about playing media on amd64 and whether
> win32-codecs was important.  this immediately made me think of
> mplayer because it really seems to want to use those blobs, so
> I offered some other options which I prefer, while you insist
> that mplayer is the be-all-end-all.  no I don't write articles,
> but I do work on OpenBSD's multimedia ports.

mplayer using blobs?

I never want anyone to use blobs either. No one in this camp wants that.

In fact in one of my first responses I specifically said that I could
play without using the closed source drivers.

Anyway let us move on.

Nice talking to you.


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